Cologne Triathlon Weekend am 04.09.2011

Bericht (Alain)

Samstag: 750m - 24km - 7km Alain Beaufayt 23 gesamt 3AK Schw: 00:12:22 Rad: 00:35:41 Lauf: 00:29:59 Total: 1:21:16

Michael Baumann 49 Gesamt 10 AK Schw: 13:03 Rad: 37:23 Lauf: 31:37 Total: 1:25:55

Sonntag: 1.9 - 90km - 21.650 photos:

Alain Beaufayt 65 gesamt 13AK Schw: 00:31:36 Rad: 02:24:39 Lauf: 01:42:21 Total: 4:44:24

Michael Baumann 158 Gesamt 34AK Schw: 38:10 Rad: 2:32:55 Lauf: 1:41:59 Total: 4:59:13

KOMBI WERTUNG - Sieg!!! Platz Name Stadt Jg NAT Gesamt 1. Rennen Pos 2. Rennen Pos 1 Alain Beaufayt Pliening 69 DEU 6:05:39 1:21:16 23 4:44:24 68 ... 4 Michael Baumann Kirchheim b. Münche72 DEU 6:25:07 1:25:55 50 4:59:13 161

Mein Bericht: It was an interesting week end, having this combination Sprint and half distance as I never did that before. Unfortunately we lost Georg on Thursday because he fell and could not make the race, but we went anyhow with Michael. Saturday morning the weather was already very nice and hot. The whole point of the Sprint was to get some feeling for the race, eventually a good place in the overall classification. But when the start was given I started fast, on the bike faster, and running I had legs of fire! I was 3rd AK! Later that afternoon, I had a lot of pain in my legs and felt exhausted. I was convinced I went too fast day 1... Sunday, after it rained all night, weather was not so nice, lots of clouds and lots of wind!!! Later on the bike it was even hard to keep straight...But ok, we got our gear ready and jumped to the water for the 1.9km swim...I had less trouble with people on this one than the day before. Managed an ok time and noticed the guy in front of me in the classification what at his bike. I estimated I had a 2 min max gap on him. He was my man to chase. Started the bike, quiet fast keeping round 38km/h, but wind was stronger and stronger. There were some fun parts though at over 50km/h...KM 26 I caught my guy and he did not look good so I pushed harder. It was a bit a shame there was so much people on the way and could not ride alone anymore after km 68 or so.. You had the ones from long and Half distances...quiet dangerous. So started the run, and legs were still ok. I did not feel anything from the day before... Managed the halh marathon in a decent time, and could control my direct opponents to take victory on the overall classification succeeding to Georg the year before...Always a Soli on 1place in Koeln!

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